Ta da I’m back!……. long time no blog.
Where you bin?
June 2019 I moved to my new home in Denmark, Western Australia. Blessed and grateful to be in contact with the incredible biodiversity of this region. Enjoying having a garden and seeing it grow, die and regenerate. Possible giving nursery owners distress when I say: ” Aiming not to kill this”.
Soul home
With the increase of homelessness and people being unable to return to their country of origin the concept of home came into question.
Where ever we live we have our internal soul home; there lives attitudes, self chatter, spirituality and core values. What is housed in the soul home impacts on our living and needs a regular review and declutter to see :
Does this attitude work for me?
Do I like how I talk to myself and about myself?
What do I value and am prepared to act on?
My clean up involved clearing out what did not serve my wellbeing into an imaginary wheely bin. Grateful to the people who brought clarity and held space for this ongoing process. I occasionally bin dive into old thinking that is habitual and comfortably uncomfortable.
Where’s the shed?
Much to my parents dismay in my little home I do not have a shed to store stuff. This is a conscious choice to help me consume less and choose wisely with purchases. Bush fires act as a reminder of what is truly needed to live.
Though in my soul home I have a shed that stores the resources I use to nurture me. Tucked in this recess are my memories of beloved teachers, books, media and experiences. I find myself drawing on these treasures particularly: Yoga, Jin Shin Jyutsu and self compassion. Theses treasures I wish to share in my new community.
What resources are in your shed that help you to sustain life?
Could you gain some new tools?
Living during a pandemic finds us documenting where we have shared public spaces. It is changing how we connect as with wearing masks lip reading and facial cues are obscured. Though people have remarked that they know I am smiling as my eyes disappear. Personal / social spacing found me unintentionally becoming a public nuisance when I did not maintain distance requirements or hugged friends.
Where am I? Is the question I ask myself when I find myself in shock and bewilderment with what is happening around me on a local, state, national and international level. Changes can uproot and flip me metaphorically speaking. Where is a prompt to become centred.
With issues arising relating to state mandates I have witnessed passionate polarity that is divisive. It has questioned where I stand on matters. Respect for choices, kindness and unity is where I am.
Where you are and will be
The past cannot be escaped even when moving house.
The present is coming home to observe, listen to yourself .
The future unfolds with discovering choices and reviewing these in the uncertainty of living courageously.
The grass is green where you water it.
Plant seeds of hope,
weed out limiting beliefs,
grow a strong support system
stretch yourself up
With gratitude
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