Spirit fingers and energy toes
Who would have thought my wellness was tied to energy flows in fingers and toes. Jiro Murai made the discovery over 100 years ago creating the Japanese healing art Jin Shin Jyutsu. I am grateful that his gift was brought to the Western world by Mary Burmeister. My life is better for learning the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu. The beauty of this healing modality is that people can do it for themselves with self help flows.

Universal energy
Jin Shin Jyutsu reveals how universal revitalising energy moves down the front of our bodies then up the back. Mary Burmeister (1995p.5) stated:
“The rhythm of this energy cannot be destroyed but abuses to the body knowingly or unknowingly can affect the supply of energy for the proper functioning of our individualized body function energy circulation patterns.”
What is energy?
It is what makes the heart beat, breathing and digestion possible. Just as a car has a battery to transmit energy we to have the battery of life energy source that we can jumper cable.
“Jin Shin Jyutsu is the KNOWING of who, what, where, when, why and how the flow of the battery of life can be revitalised” (M. Burmeister, 1995, p.6)

Self Help
Self help is not a selfish act, as the one person you can rely on is yourself. Practicing self help supports me to give and receive energy. I hear and have been guilty of saying “when this …. happens I will see to my needs “. We can wait for the perfect moment or make now the time to attend to our self. Simple, self help is placing a hand on one of 26 energy locks and feel the pulsation of energy coming into rhythm. ” Ahh” coming home to my body, tuning in to how I am feeling. Not having to utter a word, focus on breathing out and breathing in. No lycra or studio required – the temple of the body wherever it is holds answers to our projects.
Projects are those unique attitudes and ailments that deplete or misdirect our energy. Some would term this a problem, it does not have the same meaning as it is externally derived, the solution sought from a specialist. What if we were not broken merely in transition, coming to terms with a diagnosis or change in lifestyle. Our very own project is known intimately to ourselves, thus we are the expert that learns to accept, challenge and adjust THE PROJECT . Unlike at school there are no marks with these projects. The stars are the aha moments – bolts of earnt insight.
Daily flows
The beauty of Jin Shin Jyutsu is that there are no set rules. You custom build this art according to your convenience. Daily application of sequences accomplish results and develop patience. The first self help I learnt was the Main Central Vertical Harmonizing Energy flow. Long name for an energising flow that would warm up my body in the morning and clean it up in the evening. I would lie in bed with right hand on top of my head and left hand rest between my eyebrows ( or monobrow). Scattered energy would centralise, breathing slow down, pulses coordinate and the attitudes that overwhelmed me would ease. The 6 steps in this flow I would do in my time.
Finding the answers to your questions
Self Help answers life’s questions.
Who? – You are the one to help yourself
What? – Jin Shin Jyutsu a healing art not a martial art
Where? – anywhere
When? – anytime
Why?- because you have the answers within and you are worth it
How? – with patience and acceptance
Jin Shin Jyutsu can be learnt by reading a book, attending a class and experiencing a session.
Refer to www.jsjinc.net to find practitioners and class schedule
Thankyou to my teachers Ricky Coates, Jen Taylor, Maria Miniello, Jennifer Holmes, Wayne Hackett, Cynthia Broshard, Sara Hooper, Anita Willoughby, Ian Harris, Carlos Gutteres, Iole Lebensztajn and the JSJ community of students I have been privileged to share the art with.
Thankyou Cindy for photo bombing and letting me do canine JSJ
Burmeister, M (1995) Introducing Jin Shin Jyutsu Book 1, Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc, Scottsdale, U.S.A
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