Half a century not out!

Half a century 50 years I am still in the game of life Wahoo! The last 12 months has found me critiquing my past inings, feeling like I did not measure up to any illustrious hallmarks. Then I received a few ball hits to the head -reflective moments ….
The Team

A village of family and friends plus a tactical response unit of guardian angels earth and heaven bound have helped me get here.
Being the first born of Barb n Don I was born in an unair conditioned country hospital on a 40 celsius day. My first 6 weeks of life were spiked with gripe water as I writhed in pain with a hernia. Fortunately there was the support crew: Nana and family friends. Once that was healed life improved. I am blessed to have been in a country in peace, with a great healthcare system into a loving family. There are many variables I am grateful for as I have been helped when the surfs high and the games on.
Fur team mascots
My furry n feathered friends have provided companionship, loyal counsel at any hour with the occasional unwanted aromatherapy. Life is richer in sharing it with the beasties that are personal trainers and Zen masters in mindfulness with a wry sense of humor.
The Training
The game of life could be seen as just training for exam, graduations, sporting challenges and relationship milestones. There is so much more beneath the water level of achievements ….
Those aha moments when I stay upright on a bike, see a sunset in a new country, grasp a concept or receive a smile are the polishing acts that bring the shine to success. When we acknowledge achievements the training and relationships it took to reach that zenith need to be remembered. Otherwise life looks like the sports news reel of cricket highlights minus the yakka and yea hars!
Maiden running
This Maiden’s goal setting keeps her focus on her passions and how she can enjoy them. Without the long term vision and detailed planning – dreams would still be ruminating around and around my head.
I am looking forward to bringing life to my dreams. In starting 2018 take a chance, stretch yourself as you connect and celebrate where you are. A birthday is a festival of gratitude and reorientation to your potential. Happy birthday to you what ever innings you are being served.
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