As the clock chimes in 2015 we welcome the opportunity to attain new resolutions. New years resolutions particularly behaviour changes are a process beyond a revelry shout of ” I am going to… “. The mojo to keep changes can be lost or put on the back burner till another year – which can deter people from their goals.
Dorothy Corkville Briggs stated: “Growth is not steady, forward, upward progression. It is instead , a switchback trail; three steps forward, two back one around the bushes and a few simply standing, before another leap “.
How do you keep on track?
Dr Prochaska developed the 5 Stages of Change Model to help coaches understand how and when behaviours can be altered and why clients may struggle, fail or quit. Reflecting on these 5 stages of change helps us see where we are and what is needed to move forwards, backwards or sideways. The 5 Stages are:
Precontemplation (Not ready for change) : People say ” I won’t” because they don’t see the need to change or “I can’t” as they don’t believe its possible to change;
Dawn Precontemplation
2. Contemplation (thinking about change) “I may” ambivalence about change, weighing benefits of change against the effort it will take;
Sparkles in waiting
3. Preparation (preparing for action) “I will” making a plan and exploring barriers to change and seeking solutions;
Rock Wallaby Preparation Pen
4. Action (Taking action) “I am” applying plan and dealing with challenges;
5. Maintenance “I still am” It takes 21 days to develop a new habit, it may take 21 months to develop a new lifestyle.
Maintaining the passion
Progressing methodically through these 5 stages with coach’s and peer support makes New Years Resolutions a reality.
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