Winter a time for sheltering from rain, seeking warmth a perfect opportunity to be still and reflect. What could possible disturb energy flowing with this bliss? “Da dum da dum” (Jaws movie sound) FEAR in Jin Shin Jyutsu is the disharmonizing attitude in Winter.
“The wise man in the storm prays to God not for safety from danger, but from deliverance from fear. It is the storm within that endangers him not the storm without” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Adrenaline is the hormone messenger of fear creating a response in the body where digestion, body/ blood chemistry is disturbed, muscles stiffen, difficulty sleeping/ thinking with capacity to conceive and birth interrupted. Fear can limit our breathing, halting the flow of energy. It blinds us as false evidence appears real with popular news and social media adding to this adrenal cocktail. With courage we can calmly restore breathing – research our conscious choices flowing into decisive action.
In Jin Shin Jyutsu a cure to calming our adrenal response is working with safety energy lock 23 which is found in the small of the back at the 12th thoracic vertebra, by the adrenal glands and kidneys. Safety energy lock 23 represents flowing with life, the element water and the colour blue. When this energy lock is disturbed we do not enjoy being with ourselves, feelings of negativity, self destructive thoughts, impatience, stubborness and selfishness prevail. A simple way to address this disturbance is to gentle hold the little finger or place hands on the 12th vertebra. Slowly you may feel a pulse beat its rhythm, hear yourself breath out a big sigh with muscles letting go of fears.
“you’ll get a chill in the kidneys” my Mum’s saying
In Winter our “waterworks” kidney and bladder organs are calling for extra attention. We crave salt when kidneys and bladder need extra attention. Standing for long periods of time can stress kidneys and bladder – back pain, headaches, ear and eye ache are symptoms. The simplest way to care for these organs with Jin Shin Jyutsu is to hold your index finger.
Winter is an opportunity to rest, to review and gather energy to bloom in the spring time. Acknowledging our fears holding our little and index finger energizes us to flow with life to become our unlimited potential.