Perspective provides the tinted glasses through which we frame life, a sensing platform that filters what permeates in and out. Whether consciously or unconsciously our perspective expands or contracts our potential possibilities, as it acts as a reference point. It is acquired with experience, personal growth and squewed by stereotype, racism, dogma and ignorance.
We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception by Vernon Howard.
Frames can be questioned:
Is it habit?
Is it heritage?
Is it rigid or malleable?
Does it act a shield or screen to life?
What awareness do I have of how I frame my world?
Do I challenge and change my perspectives?
One can change things by the manner in which one looks at them by Tom Robbins.
In my work people come to me with labels attached to them by “experts” and tell me the “—” said I am ……. Labels are words that can be attached and removed, their meaning is determined by you.
I was blessed to work with an inspiring gentleman that referred to himself as the “Miracle Man” as he expressed gratitude for his life, explored alternatives and outlived the label he was given, confounding the experts. Language has the power to support or hinder a person’s perception of who they are and what they can do. The challenge is to read the label then determine how you digest the information.
No perceptive, no perception
New perspective, new perception by Tabo Beta
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