Topping up
“To keep an oil lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it” Mother Teresa.
Putting energy into ourselves, refilling the tank is crucial to our wellbeing. Fighting for causes, chasing danger, feeding the masses and healing the sick all takes its toll on a finite energy reserve.
Let the balls fall
Multi tasking is a stressor that consumes our energy reserve. Being employed, a parent, lover, sibling and student so many roles to keep up.
What would happen if you focused on one thing at time?
Where would family and work be without you?
How would your mind, body feel and life look?
Who me caffeinated adrenalin junky?
“A coffee to resuscitate, then one to revive …”
What are your hallmarks of coping in a crisis?
“Reaching for the ….. ” can be indicators to review what is draining energy.
Have you laughed, had fun today?
Why wait until you are on holidays to …. or you are ill to …
Hand it over
“Stop I want to get off the world”
“Talk to the Hand”
Stopping lets us see the options. Breathing space to see choices. We stop the car to refuel so we need to do this for ourselves.
Even though we are unique it does not mean there is no one else to step up and share your load or do the job. Replacement is possible.
The one person to be relied on to look after yourself is you. No pressure you know what you need to re energise. Waiting and waiting and waiting for anyone to fill your empty energy tank is a frustrating waist of time.
Hammocks out
A hammock under a tree – my cocoon to swing in as I listen to my breath and the birds around me. Rediscovered this joy recently.
Going bush or to the beach lets me tap into the most powerful energy sources.
Cartoons first read when opening the newspaper.
Jin Shin Jyutsu self help practices – simple bringing my palms together when un-centred or holding a finger. Refer to link below:
A fridge, pantry filled with delicious and nutritious food choices.
Sharing food and yarns with friends.
Daily dog walks.
A few ways I refuel.
What is your way to receive energy, top up the tank. Your first means of transport is your body. A sports car you may not be. A precious limited edition is a better description requiring TLC.
Don’t wait for the amazing retreat. Today is the best time to start – no cheap refuel days to wait for.
Don’t wait until you are burnout and traumatised.
When Compassion Hurts: Burnout, vicarious trauma and Secondary trauma in Prenatal and Early childhood Service Providers , Best Start Resource Centre, Toronto
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