I discovered Bowen therapy when recovering from a shoulder injury. Its calming effect and assistance in gaining postural alignment led to my studying bowtech, fasciokinetics and smart Bowen.
Working in the community as a midwife, I saw Bowen’s positive effects on pregnant women suffering sciatica and on babies with colic and feeding difficulties.
I experienced the effects of Jin Shin Jyutsu myself and on a friend living with cancer. This art enables a person to ‘health’ themselves by unlocking the body’s energy flows, creating harmony.
As a yoga teacher I work with people to increase their range of movement, connect with their breathing and bring mindfulness.
My aim is to promote the health and wellness of people by using appropriate modalities. I provide professional, respectful and holistic care addressing the body, mind and spirit through complementary therapies and client education.
My education is as a Registered nurse and midwife with a Masters in Nursing and a Masters in Wellness.