Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese art that has been referred to as acupuncture without needles. It balances the body’s energy by using fingers and hands to eliminate stress, create harmony, relieve pain and ease acute or chronic conditions.
Jin Shin Jyutsu teaches us how to own feelings and attitudes that impinge on our wellbeing. For example, we know that anger and high blood pressure can be related. When we reflect on attitudes such as sadness, fear, anger, worry and pretence we can unblock energies and this supports us to bring balance to our lives.
What does a treatment involve?
A typical JSJ session lasts an hour and with the client laying face up on massage table, clothed. The practitioner begins by ‘listening’ to the client’s energy pulses. The practitioner then gently places her hands on various safety energy locks throughout the body to release energy blocks according to the energy imbalances heard. Many clients indicate that the treatment gives a deep relaxation.
At the end of the session, the practitioner may suggest self-help exercises to perform at home. For example, a particular finger or safety energy point on the body may be held to encourage balance.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Courses
Our growing reliance on external information has gradually obscured a simple innate awareness that all of us have possessed. Jin Shin Jyutsu helps us remember that every one of us possesses the simplest instruments needed to bring about harmonious balance – the breath and hands.
Interactive education sessions on Jin Shin Jyutsu can be held with small groups upon request.
What can it help?
Acute and chronic pain; insomnia; stress related disorders; fatigue; nausea.
Who can it help?
Jin Shin Jyutsu is suitable for everyone ranging from babies, pregnant women and those undergoing chemotherapy.